Friday, August 12, 2011

Investigators prepare to expand charges against man arrested for filming children in home

David Richards, recently arrested for investigation of lewdness involving a child, forcible sexual abuse of a child and sexual exploitation of a child, would lure into his home, ask them to wet themselves, and the clean up and change into their own clothes in order to receive prizes or even money.

A young girl met with investigators in Provo, Utah on Tuesday, Aug. 9, and testified that Richards would offer drinks for thirsty children, give new them new underwear , and ask them to pee on his rug, mat or floor, exposing themselves to hidden cameras that Richards had set up in the bathroom and his room.  

The girl explained that Richards would offer a $5 reward for anyone who would pee on the pad in front of the computer.  As a reward for using the bathroom in his home, Richards would give the children new underwear, pencils, and toys.

Former neighborhood resident Maria Sanchez noted that when she first met Richards he seemed to be a genuinely nice man, and even came over for dinner.  However she slowly grew suspicious of his actions.

"He made some odd comments about having my daughter come over to his house to do homework that really made me uneasy, and we didn't really associate with him after that."
Another former resident, Beth Moulder, suspected Richards of suspicious behavior the moment she moved into the neighborhood.

""He always had a little girl over at his house," Mason said.  "He claimed that he used to work for the government as a detective, which was why he had so many cameras."
Mason explained that Richards had his 'grandchildren' over at least every other weekend, but she never met his children.

"Two single moms would drop their children off at his house almost every weekend," Beth Mason explained, "but when I didn't find a public sex offender record on Richards I assumed that I was being overly judgemental."

For more information on this story visit

Make do with what you’ve got: UVU making space for students

The hard work that Utah Valley University administration has put in for new facilities to accommodate its growing population is starting to pay off, starting with a new parking lot scheduled to be complete by the beginning of the fall 2011 semester.

Utah Valley University authorities hope that the new lot, located just south of the track and west of existing parking lots outside the Liberal Arts building, will relieve parking congestion on the north end of campus.  According to UVU Facilities manager Jim Michaelis, the 415 car lot will be completed on August 21, and will be available to every student who purchases a parking pass. 

“We hope that the new lot will clear up a lot of the traffic jams in the parking lots near the Liberal Arts building,”  Michaelis said.  “Too many cars are taking up space in the parking lots waiting for a space to open up.

With increases in the student body each of the last three years, parking has become a challenge to many students who commute to school.

It’s needed and overdue,” said UVU senior Brent Housley. “I understand that it’s costly but it’s necessary to accommodate the number of students here.”

Additional parking will benefit the venues held at the UCCU Center located on campus as well.  UCCU Center Director Mark Hildebrand was excited for additional access to UCCU Center venues that take place during school hours.

We can continue to expect quality turnouts for our weekday events," Hildebrand said. "Only now parking will be somewhat less of an inconvenience for our participants.

Funding has been approved for a parking structure outside the Sorensen Student Center, which will coincide with the construction of a new Student Life and Wellness building.  Michaelis anticipates both projects will be complete for the fall semester of 2013.

For information regarding the proposed Student Life and Wellness Center and parking structure, please visit

So what's the purpose of all this again?

So this is starting out as a method extra credit, but who knows...maybe this will go somewhere.  Somewhere with purple vikings or neon trees or....something.